Monday, November 21, 2011

things spotted on the back of vehicles

i think this chedi was going to get repainted  
a bonsai garden
at least four people
bad fashion
durian (worst fruit known to humankind)--credit for this picture: maia schroeder
some sort of electronic
gas canisters (i guess this is more on the side than the back)
rescued dogs
rescued people
a few baskets

Saturday, November 12, 2011


recently i had a conversation with a friend about transition and the unique issues that surface when it occurs.  she brought up maslow's hierarchy of needs and said how every time we have a major transition in life, we almost always have to start working through that pyramid again.  we need to make sure basic needs like shelter, food and clothing are met.  then we can move on to starting friendships and eventually to being creative again.  i laughed, 'i feel like i'm not only on the bottom level; i am a bottom feeder on the bottom level.'

we've lived so comfortably since getting here...but it's not our house where we can put out our few things.  we haven't even unpacked our suitcases except for our clothes!  and i've already talked about how hard finding the right food has been.

ever since break, though, i feel like we've been in a better place.  ironically, there have been some pretty intense, stressful things going on, but we both are doing better than we would have two months ago.  i think we've both been pursuing our relationship with God more; that's changed our focus dramatically.  beyond that, we've been falling into more consistent relationships with some great people.  we've found some delicious restaurants that feed us TOO much! :)  we're looking at renting possibilities, knowing we can put up our few pictures.

we're moving up that pyramid.  at some point i'll be surfing along the biggest waves the ocean can offer--far, far away from the bottom.

Monday, November 7, 2011

why grace?

this short video beautifully expresses the incredible things being done through grace international school.  we're proud to be a part of it!