Friday, September 2, 2011


today i got glutenized...  actually it happened both yesterday and today.  i ate something i thought was safe, so i tried it again today.  i commented to ray that i was feeling lethargic and having stomach problems, but it WAS friday today and the stomach problems could have been from anything!

after lunch today, though, after a second round of gluten (i was originally told yesterday's and today's lunch did not include soy sauce...and then later i was told that 'everything has soy sauce in it!  it's too delicious to leave out!'  ahh, the joys of the language barrier) my glutenization was complete: body aches, severe stomach pain, exhaustion (at one point i was in front of my class and thought i couldn't keep my eyes open!), dizziness, etc. 

two good things: the attack was nowhere near as bad as it has always been in america, for which i'm very thankful (still can't be trying to sneak little bits of gluten in, though, or i'll end up back where i was).  and secondly: it's friday!  i have the whole weekend to feel awful, recover and be ready for school again on monday!

despite the positives, i admit: i'm feeling a little sorry for myself.  i love good food and am tired of having to be so paranoid all the time.  so i let my mind wander and start missing things....

i didn't even eat that many bread products before, but of course now that the option is gone, i want bread and pancakes and brownies and white cake and crusted cheesecake and wraps and....
i miss beans!  dry beans, canned beans, beans of all kinds!  this is my favourite sort of protein!
i miss cherries and blueberries terribly!

i'm craving gfree oats today (and everyday...).

i miss the beautiful saute pan ray bought me for christmas (good cooking tools don't seem to be high on anyone's list here).

i miss bert's bees radiance body lotion (random, i know).

 and finally, i miss gfree soy sauce (the antithesis of which started this whole ordeal)!
ok, i think i got it all out....  i'm not asking for pity.  i LOVE being here!  i can get pineapples for $0.65 and will probably find some supernatural soap for my face.  i get to spend every day with some of the world's best kids and meet beautiful people and discover incredible things about a rich culture...and myself....and God.  i'm just venting. 

tomorrow i'll take some aleve to help with the pain and rest lots and stay close to a bathroom.  i'll be just fine!  but in the meantime, i'll fall asleep being thankful for all the times i had the above items at my disposal! 


  1. Can we mail you any of these things? Are you missing them because they have gluten or because they are not available there? Please list anything that we could mail. Either my family or a group in the church would enjoy doing that. It would be fun for us.

  2. I am so sorry - I hope the weekend give lots of strength and rest. Love, love, Dad

  3. Yeah, we'd be willing to mail you anything you miss too! Personally, I have trouble living an hour away from places that sell Middlesworth chips... but I have a slight obsession. But please let us know. I was also thinking the kids at my Christian school might love to write to yours since they are from all over, very interesting! I can hook you up will all kinds of care packages if you wish, churches and schools love to make that stuff and hear about adventures like yours!

  4. I miss having BOTH OF YOU "at my disposal" :)
