a dirty diaper burning on a pile of hair. the worst B.O. mixed with wafting sewage. a perfume of rotting flowers in toxic gas. these are all descriptions i've heard for durian, a big, smelly fruit that is often well-loved in this part of the world. it's usually issued with a warning, however; many places have signs: no durian allowed inside! it's certainly a daunting fruit--one that most visitors are not eager to try.
both katie and i had it growing up. neither of us were fans. ray had never experienced the incredible mix of slimy and chewy, silky and pungent. i know so many people, however, who LOVE durian. i've always wondered if it's a taste i would grow into one day. a few months ago we had dinner with a man who grew up in indonesia and now lives in thailand. he introduced us to his theory: if one will eat durian at least three times within a two week period, one would be changed to a durian-lover! so the three of us (katie, ray and i) set out to be converted! here are the pictures:
both katie and i had it growing up. neither of us were fans. ray had never experienced the incredible mix of slimy and chewy, silky and pungent. i know so many people, however, who LOVE durian. i've always wondered if it's a taste i would grow into one day. a few months ago we had dinner with a man who grew up in indonesia and now lives in thailand. he introduced us to his theory: if one will eat durian at least three times within a two week period, one would be changed to a durian-lover! so the three of us (katie, ray and i) set out to be converted! here are the pictures:
unsure about where this smelly journey will take us.
ready, set, eat!
ray finds himself pleasantly surprised and rates his first tasting a 7.
katie is less impressed and designates a 3 to this try.
i am unable to conceal my disgust. a 2 is generous.
a few days later we were back for more!
sadly, this round was not as good for anyone. ray came down to a 5.
katie holds steady at a 3.
yet again, i am impolite in my response.
i barely manage to hold up a 1.
last chance to turn us into believers! and, yes! katie gives it a 6!
ray jumps back up to a smile and a 7!
it was improved for me at a 3, but i'm still not happy about it!
a 3 with a smile, since i felt badly about all my faces....